It is amazing what masterpieces are created when the work is performed with pleasure, love, enthusiasm, without pressure and chase for reward (you can watch any video of Dmitry – all of them are thoroughly worked out, thought out, each one is special – it is amazing). But other’s beautiful videos and YOUR OWN stunning video are totally different things. When we were watching our teaser for the first time, it was quite in the room, except for my occasional sobs and my husband’s “wow”. We could speak only in about five minutes. Amazing. It felt like Dmitry captured and showed the soul of our couple. Speechless. My mother texted me, “We are watching it for the 15th time. I’m almost done crying.” The teaser (this is my personal favorite of three, everyone has their favorite video) is like a movie trailer. Friends say that there should be the words at the end saying “…but everything changed when a terrible secret was revealed…” and we take out the shotguns. Like in the movies, like those fairy-like videos that you may see on the Internet and hardly believe in, “such things don’t happen in real life.” They do! Such miracles are created by Dmitry. All videos are so personal, sensual and powerful that we never dared to upload anything on the Internet and show them only to our most trusted friends, still shy, as if baring our soul)). Thank you for making our dream of a amazing professional video come true!